Different levels of Java Script developers and what and what they can

What defines a good JavaScript developer? Well, the more you learn, the more you can, right? There are three types of JavaScript specialists that you can consider for developing a product: front-end, back-end, and full-stack programmers. Let’s examine each type in detail and figure out in which case you need to look for javascript developers. I will also include an overview of the responsibilities peculiar to each type of such specialist.

Responsibilities of a front-end JS developer

Junior: develop the client side of the product, be able to work under the supervision of an experienced specialist, write tested JS code, know how to work with any of JS frameworks (e.g., Angular, React, Vue);

Middle: develop the client side of the product, write high-quality, tested JS code, conduct UI tests, know how to work with several JS frameworks (e.g., Angular, React, Vue), conduct code review of less experienced specialists, work without the supervision of more experienced coders;

Senior: develop the client side of the product, write advanced programming code, conduct UI tests, know how to work with several JS frameworks (e.g., Angular, React, Vue), conduct code review of less experienced specialists, design product architecture, consult regarding the choice of the technologies.

Responsibilities of a back-end JS developer

Junior: develop the server side of the product, be able to work under the supervision of an experienced specialist, write tested JS code, code and operate Node.js-based services;

Middle: develop the server side of the product, write high-quality, tested JS code, conduct code review of less experienced specialists, work without the supervision of more experienced coders, work with popular cloud providers, code and operate Node.js-based services, integrate APIs, conduct development and improvement of database schema, complete CI/CD configuration;

Senior: develop the server side of the product, write advanced programming code, work with popular cloud providers, code and operate Node.js-based services, integrate APIs, conduct development and improvement of database schema, complete CI/CD configuration, conduct code review of less experienced specialists, design product architecture, consult regarding the choice of the technologies.

Responsibilities of full-stack JS developer

Junior: a mixture of junior JS front-end and back-end developer responsibilities;

Middle: a mixture of middle JS front-end and back-end developer responsibilities;

Senior: a mixture of senior JS front-end and back-end developer responsibilities.

So, which level do you consider yourself? Write in the comments below. Also, here is a good article about JS.

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