Disappointed in IH Community!

So, previously I had asked the IH community to help me design a good way to implement column triggers in task management. Here is the original post https://www.indiehackers.com/post/trying-to-figure-out-column-triggers-in-task-management-help-4d284497f0.
I had created a live sketch (https://cogency.cogency.io/proxy/jzB) where anyone could see the design/ thought process as I was working. I had hoped to start a small discussion on what folks thought about it and possibly get even some technical 2cents.

Unfortunately, NO ONE responded to the post, no comment, nothing!!! I am not sure if it's because no one was interested in helping OR perhaps the IH community is bleak and not doing well :(

Either way, I have completed the implementation and it works pretty well thus far. Here is the blog post about the feature https://cogency.io/blog/how-to-set-column-triggers-

Anyway, cheers!

posted to Icon for group Meta
on December 13, 2021
  1. 20

    I just had a look at the original post and I thought, “what is cogency task management”?
    No background in the post, no idea what tech was used, nothing. I’m not surprised people didn’t respond. 🤷‍♂️
    Perhaps if you’d explained a bit more, what cogency is, the tech you’re using, what you’ve tried, what’s not working - anything, you might have had some input. Dunno.

    1. -7

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      1. 8

        “I was designing a general UI layout and DB structure for it. It it completely irrelevant what tech is used. I was prototyping!”

        Respectfully, I disagree.
        Good luck with your future requests for help. 😊

  2. 11

    The problem is you haven't really asked for feedback in a way anyone can contribute. Nobody is familiar with Cogency, nor do they know what an issue is, or even who the product is relevant for (so it's likely the feedback wouldn't be relevant anyway).

    This is not a community problem, this is a you problem.

    You need to spend a lot more time expanding on what the product is supposed to do so people have some context and can give useful answers. Ideally you'd give a use-case of when we'd come across this specific problem you want to solve, and present a couple of solutions so we can understand it in depth then give feedback. A video might even be the best format to do this, though I'd personally do client interviews for this kind of UX design.

    The majority of people, including myself, will have seen the original post and just exited as it's not something we can help with.

    1. -3

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  3. 5

    I have absolutely no idea what you were trying to say in that post. Maybe a technical question is more suited for Reddit/StackOverflow?

    1. -2

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  4. 4

    It took reading a few comments and seeing you posting coupons for a "free month" of Cogency before I realized Cogency is your own product. This leads me to believe this is some sort of underhanded / misleading form of promoting Cogency to the IH community. As such I presently believe you are a spammer and should be reprimanded.

    1. -5

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  5. 3

    Linda, your original post really needed more context setting to "sell" people on why they should be involved. The first sentence or two needs to provide a hook.

    It's not immediately obvious if you're asking a UI question or something related to database programming.

    As a UI design question, you don't provide context for the audience.

    Here is my current sketch means someone has to be interested enough to venture off platform just to get that context. Looking at the diagram, you have both UI and database stuff so it's still not clear.

    1. 1

      Yes, I should have provided more context. That's on me. Thanks!

  6. 3

    I personally think, you did a couple of rookie mistakes on your posts which would cause it to not be receiving answers: lack of images, not picking a ih group to post it in, not giving enough background on ur progress....
    Maybe you should post again after fixing these things and u will experience better luck

    1. 0

      At this point this particular feature is already done and implemented, however, for the next time I will keep it in mind! Thanks!!

  7. 3

    I have a theory that the UX/UI of IH is sometimes not helping to surface posts the right time. I usually check indiehackers.com/newest for interesting posts, but the default is indiehackers.com/popular.

    This gives already popular posts even more traffic and gives new posts without a single comment a higher risk of being drowned out. I think this happens quite frequently, also depending on time of day.

    1. -2

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  8. 2

    Have you confused the upwork and indiehackers, by the chance?

  9. 2

    Sorry about this experience, indeed a common problem, but fixable.

    People expect to be"Explained like a 5yrs old" and they'll really be tempted to help.

    As others indicated, it was indeed quite hard (the bar is really low here) to understand your previous post. As a general rule, 90+% people won't make a 2nd effort to read a post, but they'll jump to help if they understand it quickly.

    1. 0

      Thank you for the kind words! I do admit the initial post should have been more detailed. Will do better next time! ( if there is a next time. LOL )

  10. 2

    I read your original post. Well, speaking only for me, I'm not in your head, so you need to add more context/background/explanation. How can we help if we don't read what is the problem, nor what are you expecting.

    Check the other posts on IH that have many comments, and you will see how to write a post that invites engagement.

    1. -4

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      1. 7

        If you are asking advise, here mine : hire someone that will handle support tickets, because, with the way you react, I'm not sure you are a great fit. You'll need patience and calm with clients...

        Anyway, Good luck on your journey.

        1. -4

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  11. 2

    My posts also get zero reactions. Btw, now I read your previous post. Unfortunately I don't know of cogency and have no idea if the sketch is right or not.

    1. -1

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    2. -9

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  12. 1

    Hey, Linda. Sorry to see this. I can’t promise I can help but I’ll at least check out your post.

    I think part of why this happens is algorithmic feeds usually prioritize popular content. I see IH has a “trending” section, too. The design leads to a Matthew effect. Popular posts get even more activity and unpopular ones get shown even less.

    1. 1

      Thank you! Sorry again for the botched mobile experience!

  13. 1

    Maybe "The world doesn't owe you anything." is a bit too cold. But here are my 2cents.

    I think maybe few years ago, if you have posted anything here, you would get a reply from all N active users. Time passed and this community got bigger. People rely a lot on followers.

    I see you only have 8 followers. Imagine that in the moment you post anything, others post as well. People with more followers, get a bit more reactions and posts start trending up. Yours, might get lost and go to the bottom.

    I am not saying this is bad, I think it is very normal.

    My 2cents are: don't be disappointed. See how this post got more reactions?
    Want to know why?

    If your feeling is "because it had negativity in the title" you might be wrong.

    It's because it got people curious to see what this is about.

    The previous title is "I'm trying to solve..." . Most of the posts are "I did X in Y way" or "How to XYZ" or anyways, the titles might be calling a bit more to clicks. Sorry, but somethimes things work this way.

    Another cent would be that (after I looked at your previous post) I really didn't get things that clear on what you are trying to do. I think a bit more context helps. Even if sometimes it might feel like "garbage" or like something that is self-explanatory - people need details. Maybe some will get bored, but there's a chance some will relate to your post.

    Now. What is the status of your product or of whatever thing you have build?

    Have you considered posting again? In a bit more different format?

    Cheer up, this is a wonderful community. Personally, I do not ask much around, but I go through posts that i relate to and learn a lot from others.

    1. 0

      Thank you for your thoughts on this matter. As mentioned in a number of my replies earlier, I am partially at fault of not providing enough context to clarify the purpose of the intended work. I am assuming that if someone likes my articles and my views, then he/she will follow me. I have not put effort into trying to gain followers inorganically b/c I am here for a chance to connect with fellow hackers and share experiences. To answer your question, yes, I have completed the implementation of the triggers and I wrote a blog post about it ( https://cogency.io/blog/how-to-set-column-triggers- ). You can also see some videos I posted on twitter ( @cogencyvideo ). Feel free to drop me a line any time =)

  14. 1

    And I absolutely love everything, although I only recently joined the community. Don't be upset, everything will be fine

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  15. -3

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    1. -8

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      1. 6

        Linda, such desperate tactics will not trick people to start using the product which has doubtful value. For you to make money with cogency, you got to think about which unique thing would make me choose cogency over well-known alternatives.
        Think of a niche market with a burning problem and tailor the solution. This way you won't have to give away coupons for your product on IH, but rather have people referring you cause you're the best solution to their problem.

        1. -6

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          1. 2

            Ok just I passed through that and know how it feels. How many active paying users do you have?

            1. 0

              As of this morning we have 10 paying and 163 on a free plan. Normally we do have a free plan but had to disable it for since we launched on AppSumo and had to comply with their policy

  16. 36

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    1. 3

      This time she succeeded to get a lot of comments. Congratulations to her.

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    3. -5

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      1. 8

        This comment was deleted a year ago.

        1. -2

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