Do we stick to one product? How are you dealing with this situation?

Alright, so here’s where we thought hard. As the COVID-19 picked up the pace, we knew one of our products was not going to do great. So, there was one other project we had in the pipe-line which we kick-started and we had no idea if that would lead us to any success.

Even in the best of times, companies fail. How do we make sure we survive this situation inevitably? Well, we don’t know. But the best we can do is give it our all. So we came up with an unrealistic plan of making 2 products a month, to see which one gains traction and then follow the ones that do.

Lucky enough, the first one caught traction. And we were excited, but we stuck to our guns. We just followed the strategy, not letting the success dictate our actions, but our theory of making it inevitable take over. Did we stop there? No. We started making another product which also seems to be gaining traction. Are we sure it will continue to gain traction? No, we aren't. What we do know for sure is that the first one did gain traction and we will try all we can to make it succeed. And we will also get the second one up so that we have a backup plan.

So now, do we stop at 2? Maybe, maybe not. But we are determined to make sure we cover as much ground as possible. I would love to know what you guys think and how you are dealing with this situation.

For anyone wondering what our first product is, it is a tool that informs you of who is on your website at all times, so that you can start a conversation with them. Check it out at https://interr.io.

Our second product is still under wraps, but if you are keen, send me a private message. I would love to share more about it with you and get to know about what you are working on.

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