Do you easily understand what the product does?

I have a product called ytbe.one, I clearly explained what it does on the landing page of the site, but many people said that they couldn't understand what the product was for at first login and had a hard time understanding it.

Where am I going wrong, are the texts too long or hard to understand? I need feedback from experienced folks on this.

Thanks everyone in advance.

  1. 3

    I understand what the product doing but don't feel the need to use it. Maybe its not for me, but I cannot see in the website why people need to use it. Is it for me as buyer ? or seller ?

    Nevertheless I would recommend you to read this book StoryBrand

    This book talk about how we want to make customer understand what we are doing and how this can help them. It also tell you how to structure your product so the story of the product can reach your audience.

    This writing also summarize the book HOW AND WHY CLARIFYING MESSAGE IS IMPORTANT IN BUSINESS

    1. 1

      Thank you for your advices.

  2. 2

    I definitely understand the need for the product, yet it did take me a while to comprehend what was going on.

    Most people wouldn't understand the problem you're attempting to solve, I definitely do but I'm not the most effective customer for your product.

    It definitely needs to point to the problem in your hero section. That a link on certain apps, will only open in the native browser on the phone and not the native app.

    I'd really work on the hero section and fine tune the message.

    The product you're selling only solves one problem for someone who's attempting to share youtube links across certain apps, so you better sell it well in the first 10 seconds of someone on your site.

    Someone must know immediately that what you have is what they need.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your comment, I'll think about it.

      1. 1

        Ya. I’m actually needing to build some deep linking into my app viralapp_Io as I need my app to open into the corresponding apps.

        i just have to open other apps.

        Good luck in finding the ‘hook’

  3. 2

    I understand what the product does, and I also see the need for it. Your hero section needs some working - it should be shorter, catchy, and show the problem.

    Most of the comments here talk about not knowing what's the need for the product. This means that your hero section should focus on the need, not solution. For example, the title could be "Tired of YouTube links opening in browser?". And in the description you can say "You're missing out on interaction, etc", with a CTA at the end. Hope this helps!

    1. 1

      Thank you very much for your comment. I'll think about it.

  4. 1

    I think I understand what your product does.

    I think your mistake is that you're explaining what your product does when you should be explaining the value it provides.

    Who cares about this?

    What does it do for them?

    Sell that.

    1. 1

      Should I tell you the problem and how you solved the problem?

      1. 1

        Who is your target audience for this? What is the problem they have and what does this do for them? That's still unclear to me to be honest.

  5. 1

    I'm not sure I understood it after glancing for just a few moments.

  6. 1

    I completely relate with you.
    This happened to us as well. No matter what we did, something was missing apparently.

    So we decided to ask the users and include onboarding flow guides, that help.

    So it would make more sense once you ask people who said they couldn't understand, what part of it they precisely mean.

    You could have a feedback form, that can just be MCQs they can tick off. You and your team would need to come up with precise questions. But I feel this would be the best way. To ask people who actually pointed things out.

    1. 2

      Thanks for your comment, I'll try that.

  7. 1

    Hey the messaging is simple, but I do not see what is the outcome it is helping the user to achieve.

    I'd recommend reading some materials on Jobs-To-Be-Done messaging

  8. 1

    I’ve had a look at your site and I think I understand where some of the confusion might be coming from. While you’ve explained what your product does, it might be beneficial to clarify why it’s necessary and how it can improve a user’s experience.

    In other words, try to answer the question, “What problem does my product solve?” This could help potential users understand the value your product provides and how it could be useful to them.

    Just a suggestion, hope it helps!

    1. 1

      Thanks for your comment, I think you mean as I explained in the FAQ section. It might be better to add it to the first landing page yes.

  9. 1

    I get what it does, but like another user commented your site isn't really telling me why I should use it. ( I do see the use for it it is annoying when I have to open on the browser before the app which makes me not watch videos on my phone. But I don't think that alot of people think like me :( )

    1. 1

      How can I solve this situation, I explain the problem and its solution at length in the FAQ section, but I think I should write it shorter for the landing page.

      1. 2

        That could be one way to do it. You should phrase the issue on the site as a question and then show how your solution is good and should be used, but I am no marketing expert :(. good luck with the product though man it is a gooden :)

  10. 1

    Nope.. It's hard to understand the need of your product. For example, if I share below video link to other over WhatsApp, then it still directly opens in the YouTube app. It don't understand why an intermediate like your product is required.


    1. 1

      It does not open on all devices. Applications such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp generally open within the YouTube mobile browser. Ytbe.one forces this to open in app.

      1. 1

        It's just another link management/ link shortner service. Even bitly , rebrandly is capable of doing it. Technically you're solution is no different.

        You are just trying to position it differently.

        You should educate your customers about the problem on your landing page first and then introduce the solution. Most customers may not be aware / realized the problem in first place.

        1. 1

          Ytbe.one is not a URL shortening site, you misunderstood it. Actually, I am explaining the problem in the FAQ section, but I think it would be more useful to add it to the top of the site.

          1. 1

            I have done a extensive research on features available in the link management software / link shortner service. Most of them already have a way to create it for any app. They call it as Deep Linking feature. Now all you are doing is facilitating deep linking for YouTube only.

            Please do some research on re-brandly, short.io etc.

          2. 1

            don't mean to sound harsh — if you need to explain what others misunderstood from your landing page, then your landing page isn't doing its job. I'd suggest adding use cases so people know why they need to use this

            1. 1

              Can you give an example of this?

  11. 1

    This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

    1. 1

      These feedbacks are very valuable, thank you very much. I will take into account what you said.

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