Do you have a blog? Share it

Hey everyone,

I'm thinking of starting a blog. My fear is, however, that it's going to be hard to discover and I'll have very few readers. (I don't want to blog on medium or such for many reasons).

I invite you to share a link your personal/product blog in the comments and any tips on how you obtain readers? (Is it SEO only, or you share your blog posts on reddit or twitter, etc).

Anyone has a story story how a blog helped them meet people or sell their product?


posted to Icon for group Bloggers
on October 28, 2022
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    Link: jeannen.com

    Honestly I mainly write for myself, but I sometimes also my best content on IH.
    I don't just post a link, it feels spammy, I put all the content on IH and I include a link at the end, I think I got a few visitors this way! :)

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    I am building a newsletter for solopreneurs to help them be inspired by learning about success stories in a world where solopreneurship is the future.


    I get new readers mostly from sharing on social media and through people finding within Substack.

    I also get some traction from the products and people that I talk about when they retweet the blog post 🙂

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    I write a blog called Design People! It's a blog that celebrates designers all around the world and shares their inspiration, everyday essentials, and important lessons.

    My readers mainly come from LinkedIn. Every time, I have a new story, I share it with my network on LinkedIn. Since, I'm usually writing about someone, that person will also share it with their network.

    The biggest tip is just to say consistent. Even when there's slow growth in the beginning and you might feel like you're writing to no one, stick with it!

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    I am new to indie hacking I share my journey here - hypedhustler.com and i also share content on becoming financially independent on side hustles and business .


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    In this one, I'm writing about how to run a startup with all the learnings.

    In this one, I write about fitness, health, and how APIs work

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    I used to write on any languages but English. So I don't have much to share for now,
    but I turned into English-speaking space, and during next year I want to drastically improve my skills in writing on English.

    I would be appreciated if you subscribe to my newsletter — ivanklimchuk.substack.com.
    Also, you can add to bookmarks my personal website & blog. There is nothing yet, but I am going to push a big update in January — klimchuk.dev.

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    BoldDesk - help desk ticketing system and knowledge base software - blog related to customer service, customer support, and self-help resources.

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    Mine is metacognitive.me, I usually post about programming or some thoughts.

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    I write a blog via Squarespace website: hardwareishard.net We are writing in a category that doesn't have any good content just spammy lists on google. So, SEO has just been a long-term almost exponential growth trend. Initially, I just had my friends search the keyword I wanted to target every time I was with them for a month or two. Then google realized it was better content than its peers and it has been up and to the right.

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    Not a blog, but hopes this helps the new business owners, solopreneurs and more

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    Here you go, this is my personal blog - https://ayushchat.com/

    Readers are mostly through Twitter.

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    Personal blog that I reset the posts on back in 2016. Been trying to keep up with it.. but like everything, life gets in the way.


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    I mostly write for myself on my blog. The plan is to eventually post devlogs on it for the indie game I am working on. Of course I'll also post the devlogs on other spots like here and on tigsource, but I wanted a platform that I controlled myself even if nobody visits it.

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    We have a small blog for our tool ERA - The New Era Of Note-Taking. We blog about our journey, news, and updates.

    If you are interested in reading about it, check it out: ERA Blog

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    My whole business is content orientated, so building a blog is key to driving readers and eyes for ads, sponsors, and affiliates.

    It's a combo of SEO (which takes time), LinkedIn, Reddit, and Twitter.

    Here's the website/blog https://remoteworkjunkie.com/

  16. 1

    I'm not blogging yet, but I've been thinking about it for a while and I think I will in a while.
    Right now I'm very passionate about my work and making my own work, and I'm also interested in investments.
    But still, I am sure that I will start my own blog.

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    https://www.rocksolidwp.website/blog/ for SEO, to get more customers. 90% of visitors come from Google, while searching for solutions to fix small technical issues.

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    A quick question to all the people that are into reading blogs.

    Which RSS reader are you using? And would you be interested to give a go to a new one?

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    We post 2-3 posts per week, have been for 3 years.

    SEO only.

    Now it makes around 10k€ / month from affiliation and lead generation.

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    Just started https://AmberSahdev.substack.com to write about new and old projects

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    I write my findings and generally helpful articles for my audience at https://swipekit.app/articles

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    An interesting blog to follow for the product team https://saasfe.com/blog

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    Not a blog but I just started a curated weekly newsletter. My goal with this is to help founders and future founders get smarter and learn more about startup, business, marketing, branding and productivity.


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    I try to build my own brand and hope a blog will help with Seo.
    Looking for your opinion.
    Thank you very much.

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    just started this new blog a few weeks ago https://thefinalboss.co/

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    Leakd Headlines (https://leakd.co/headlines/) is a running blog reel.

    Published content from our writers is curated on Headlines in real time.

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    Mine is about productivity, priorities, and self-growth:

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    SEO and product-related my personal blog: https://elbeyoglu.com

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    I have a personal blog which I use to practice my writing & share some knowledge mainly about Laravel & Vue.

    It's https://bastiaanrudolf.com

    Curious about other indiehackers personal blogs!

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    My blog hasn't brought me direct clients so far. However I've noticed a trend: those clients I want to work with the most invariably mention that they have read my articles as part of getting to know me. So the blog serves as a good filtering tool: are they a good match? Do they take the time to actually read my articles to gain insights about my professional path? Are they interested?

    I feel blogging is important. It documents your thought processes, your maturation as a developer, and your problem-solving ability. Also, it shows how good you are at putting your thoughts in writing — a quality the most discerning employers find very valuable.

    I'm keen on exploring more creative ways to get traffic such as guest writing for other media, paid social, and posting in niche communities.

    Reading other developers' blogs has given me a ton of value over the years. If you like writing, go for it!

    Good luck!


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    Starting my product blog on https://launchforge.co/posts today actually, hoping to put out 2-3 pieces per week to help with SEO. Everything is statically generated with astro.build!

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    We run a blog for our web scraping API - Scraping Fish: https://scrapingfish.com/blog
    We don't post very often but when we do, we try to make high quality posts that are useful for others and that have high chances of being reposted on twitter, reddit, etc.

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    I have two!

    1. https://makerkit.dev/blog - it's my product's blog, mostly about Next.js, Firebase and SaaS-related stuff
    2. https://giancarlobuomprisco.com - more general stuff, including multiple technologies

    I'd love to share more about other aspects (life, building in public, etc.), but I never know where to start!

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    This is my professional blog as a software engineer. The main channel of obtaining readers for me is posting stuff on Reddit.

    I wouldn't worry about not having readers though. Not having readers is also feedback: if the content is good, the readers will show up. Everyone fails at start, so you'd rather have that negative feedback and improve on it than no feedback at all.

    I'd also suggest asking yourself whether you really like writing or if it is just a vehicle for you to sell your product. If you don't feel passionate about writing, if it feels like a burden – don't do it. There are zillions of ways to get the word out to the customer, and some of them you will like and some of them you won't. Everyone is different, so I'd suggest using a promotion medium that won't feel to you like a chore.

  35. 1

    Hi Valrepsys!
    I encourage you to give that blog a try because you'd be surprised how much it can change your professional (and personal) life even if you think that nobody will read you...

    In my case right now I live from my blog directly (I don't offer services or anything, everything is practically thanks to affiliation). I started it more than 9 years ago while working for an IT consulting company and I did it in my spare time when I discovered the world of SEO and I wanted to "try".
    That's how https://miposicionamientoweb.es was born.

    At the beginning nobody read me, but I started to have readers thanks to participate and help in social networks like Google+ (yes, as you read it) or in forums and sites precisely as IndieHackers. Nowadays Twitter is my main social network and my main attraction is thanks to SEO in very competitive searches related precisely with hosting, blogging, SEO, WordPress, etc.

    Anyway, you start little by little, but the key is to have a strategy:

    • Set specific goals for your blog
    • Develop your brand identity
    • Create content that is aimed (really) at your readers and not just at Google (and define
      that content according to whether it is for the blog, social networks, email marketing,
    • Create a funnel to capture subscribers and define its phases of Awareness,
      Consideration and Trust.

    That said, don't get frustrated if now you see it too complex, it's a matter of going step by step, but knowing where you step. :)

    Lots of encouragement!

  36. 1

    I don't have a blog, but I run a daily newsletter that contains tech news, interesting stories and job postings.
    I try to list every insightful article, novel researches that may be helpful to fellow developers. It's a very personal and curated newsletter.

    Link to my newsletter : https://www.thelocalhost.tech/ (The Localhost)

  37. 1

    I recently started blogging on my personal website, but rather just for fun, not aiming to rank with it.

    I write stuff related to UX/UI Design:


  38. 1

    I have tried creating blogs for some time, the current one about mobile app development I am blogging on for around one year. Usually I needed to promote my blog posts everywhere but it seems that I am starting to get organic visitors. I think what changed it is the fact that my recent article is about common problem in android development that could be searched.
    My blog: https://stonks.tech

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    I recently started a blog for my indie stuff at http://indiependent.land

    I've had Rosieland (community build stuff) going on for the past 2/3 years - http://rosie.land

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