Do you have a job or rely on your savings?

I'm curious how many of us IHers here do indie hackers exclusively (and rely on their savings) vs. have a job on the side.

For me, it's the latter. What about you?

  1. 2

    Working a 9-5 and building on the side, but I feel like having the 9-5 keeps me from fully applying myself with my side projects.

    1. 1

      same! Thankful I have a desk job, so in down times I am trying to work on it but would rather be someone where else.

    2. 1

      But also that 9-5 provides you with a bit of security. Even with a 9-5 you can build a fantastic product or work on your side projects. I totally understand because sometimes after my 9-5, I'm too tired to work on anything. A way I have been able to avoid this, is to wake up early and work on my startup before I start my 9-5. After 5, Don't talk to me haha

  2. 2

    I have a low money job. But in the extra time I am managing https://monitorsguru.com/monitor-screen-size-comparison/ from which I am earning a good amount of money even more than from my job. Now I am thinking about quieting of my job so I can give more time to the site.

  3. 2

    I'm my companies first user. I'm building a stock market analysis algorithm, which is working a lot better than expected. I'm in and out of a trade in sometimes 30 minutes, and the rest of the day I'm just hacking away or hanging out with friends and family.

    Of course, legally and morally, this stops when I launch.

  4. 1

    Employed full time as a Team Lead Engineer and in my spare time I work on interactlist.com

  5. 1

    Working my 9-5 but I feel limited because I would rather put my full time into my side project, but I guess I cant rely on hope to pay my student loans, but I feel like I am getting close to the transition.

  6. 1

    I quit my job in April of 2021 to go full time on my project and have been running on my savings. I moved back in with my parents to increase my runway.

    I probably could have been a little more patient and waited to do more tests before quitting. My main reason for quitting was because I wanted all my time to learn how to create a business and then also how to solve this problem. I assumed that I would need all my time to make any real progress since this was my first major business. I didn’t see it as a risky situation because whether it failed or not, I wanted to switch careers and the best way to get early PM experience was to create a product. I will keep you posted on how this turns out lol.

    1. 1

      Man I am on the same mindset right now, that all I want to do, but do not want move back home which is half way across the country haha

      1. 1

        Yea I got lucky. My parents ended up buying a condo near I live, so I didn’t have to move home home.

  7. 1

    Nobody said SaaS revenue yet? 🧐

  8. 1

    The key is to minimize your expenses to the smallest possible amount, then it will be both easy to save money and to last a LONG time on that money. You can quit your job then and do side gigs for years without making a penny and be fine.

  9. 1

    Got a job. Doing IH on the side during the evenings 😁

  10. 1

    I left my high-paying SEO job in Dec 2021 to pursue indie hacking.

    On the side, I am a co-founder and CMO of a study abroad consulting firm. So I am getting some steady income from there.

    Also, Now I am building my own saas products and sharing my journey on Twitter.

    But yes to answer your question, I have roughly 1.5-2 years of savings with me. Since I live in India, there are practically very low expenses.

  11. 1

    My co-founder (@Rohitmathur) both have jobs which does make it difficult to find time.

    Ideally, we'd like to get seed funding so we can dedicate more time to this but we need to demonstrate enough traction first in order to do that.

    That's the dilemma!! 😅😄

  12. 1

    Selling nFT while working on saas project

  13. 1

    Working a 9-5 and building on the side.

  14. 1

    I work a 9-5 and build on the side

  15. 1

    I have several contract jobs and do indie hacking on the side.

  16. 0

    I was getting unemployment money for a while but now I am burning my savings. But a lot of people in the WBE Space are building their projects on the side of a main job

  17. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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