Do you make the same post to multiple subreddits?

I've seen many indiehackers do this on reddit, especially during their launch.

They submit the same post (maybe with slightly different title) to 3-4 different subreddits related to their product niche.

It sounds spammy. But maybe it helps in reaching different audiences.

Has anyone seen this method or gotten success using this method ?

EDIT : Thanks to everyone who commented their insights

  1. 1

    Hey! So I've been trying to promote this website called Churnfree.com and I have been posting on multiple subreddits but I always try to change up the posts a bit. I have this weird feeling that Reddit limits posts that seem to be spammy in terms of actual reach so I always make sure to add something unique to east post.

  2. 1

    Yeah, I usually do so on my personal account when I make art and such. It does feel spammy at times, but as long as it isn't excessive (more than two or three subreddits I think) then it's okay

  3. 1

    As everyone else says, I do, but I try to alter the title/approach for each subreddit. redditors hate advertisement so you have to be careful as to not appear overly promotional (e.g. linking directly to website/app for the submission)

  4. 1

    Spammy, yeah, but still works sometimes, when you get to the right subreddit

    1. 1

      And I guess finding the "right subreddit" is just trial and error

  5. 1

    I always tailor my post based on the audience in the subreddit.

  6. 1

    I do sometimes, I'd tweak the title to avoid raising flags

    1. 2

      Can you please share your reddit profile link

  7. 1

    Honestly, every subreddit is different. Your post might be extremely receptive on one subreddit and get downvoted into oblivion on another.

    1. 1

      Yeah I have seen that happen on 2 subreddits related to the same topic.
      I guess there is some amount of random to the reddit algorithm.

  8. 1

    Yea, it might help, but like you said it sounds spammy.
    I would edit the post to fit different subreddits because probably the subreddits you want to post are not the same.

  9. 0

    Please don't. It encourages spam behavior in which, it's not suitable for the site overall. I suggest tweaking the title and having some time in between posting.

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