Do you outsource content writing?

I am a non-native, B2B content writer with a little bit of SEO experience. In this and other websites, I see people stating that $100 is too low for 1000 words content.
Yes, I understand the role of location and currency variations in this case. But my question is this. What are some good examples of -

  1. Buyer personas
  2. Niche markets - paying $100+ for 1000 words?

Why am I asking this question anyway?

First, I am currently charging lower than this amount. Working 100% remotely from my home here in Nigeria, the opportunity to write 20 posts per month at this rate could improve my standard of living significantly.

NOTE: I am a father of three kids as well.

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    Hi @Donfelix!

    Do you have an upwork.com account? That's a great place to get a feeling of what people are looking for and also how much others are charging for similar work.

    Also, you'll find that most people are looking for 500 words articles, so you should have some examples to make people feel confident of your skills before hiring you.

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      Got a lot of examples already.

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    It depends on your quality/skills and targeted audience (where you find your customers).

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      Assuming that I have skills to produce quality content, where and how do I find these -

      1. Buyer personas
      2. Niche markets - paying $100+ for 1000 words?
      1. 1

        Write posts that show high level how you do it and show the results. Then participate in FB groups for business and marketing. What results can your articles produce?

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