Do you play Fantasy Premier League Draft? You might like the Fantastico Chrome Extension.

TL;DR: Truly wrote this to solve my own problem. But I suspect other Fantasy Soccer players face similar problems. Decided to share it with everyone through the chrome web store.

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    Hi Mohd! I love this idea - I spend a lot of time on the FPL app, so naturally am always thinking of ways to improve the experience. I also play a lot of fantasy (American) football and the big difference between the two is the amount of information available on the host platform. There are numerous FPL sites and tools with projections, transfer planners, rotation recommendations, and more, but having them in one place is a really cool addition.

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      Hello Finley (hope I got your name right), thanks for the kind comment. I'm glad you found this helpful. This extension is still live! I set up a lambda that runs every day to scrape for the data. I didn't find people asking for any feature requests so I ended up discontinuing active work on it. But it looks like there are 92 users, which is cool! Last time I checked (a few weeks back), it was 68. So that's growth!

      You're right about tools. It's interesting that FPL doesn't provide analytics out of the box. Probably a cultural difference between American and European sports tbh. Maybe I'll come back to this some day to add some more features if I feel the pressure from my users! :P

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