Do you practice any sport?

Hey Indie hackers. Exercising regularly is one of the key elements to a healthy life and help relieving stress and being more focused at work, at least for me.

Well, I've been on and off playing tennis for 10+ years. 2 months ago I started running.

How about you? What sports have you been practicing?

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    A bit of weights

  2. 1

    Lately I've started playing basketball. basketball has been a great stress reliever for me. Whenever I hit the court, all my worries seem to disappear, and I am left feeling energized and refreshed. It's not just a physical activity, but a mental one too. It helps me clear my mind and focus on the present moment.

  3. 1

    Kitesurfing (in the Caribbean lately) and learning Surffoiling.

    Any surfers here ??

  4. 1

    Basketball almost daily

  5. 1

    100% agree that exercising regularly is so important.

    I've been training MMA and BJJ for a very long time, and do personal training on the side. Sadly, with the whole covid I haven't been able to train. Instead, I focus on bodyweight workouts, some wrestling and BJJ solo drills and shadowboxing. Better than nothing.

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      I used to train BJJ. The warm up is soo tough

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    I hold the record for High Jump in my senior High and it's still unbroken but guess what? High school was my last time doing it.

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    Honestly none. I don't even leave the house except every 3 weeks to go to the grocery store. I took core conditioning in college where we would do exercises that are doable at home. Just not able to get into routine of any kind. My brain knows exercise is good but the other side of my brain doesn't care enough, I guess. Something like yoga would be nice and could do that at home. I used to play competitive tennis when I was in my teens because strategy games are just awesome. Changing habits is hard, I've heard it takes ~ 21 days of repetition to change.

    1. 2

      Yes. I’m trying to get the habit of running 2 or 3 times a week. Repetition is key

  8. 1

    Try to do an ocr run once in a year and settled for weightlifting 3 times per week a few years ago.

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    Was engaged in a running competition (100 miles) in 1 month. That was fun. but I will never run again, too boring lol

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      Ahha. Do you think? I like the feeling of completing, say 5k (which is my maximum lol). Feeling of accomplishment

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    I started playing tennis again a few years ago and it's so good for my well being! For an hour your mind is forced to focus on the game and forgets everything work related.

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      100%. I love it

  11. 1

    Trying to move daily. Have been doing functional movement over at https://www.movementbrooklyn.com/movement-brooklyn-live . Also I run ~3 times a week.

  12. 1

    I regularly do calisthenics and cycling. I played tennis for most of my life, but it's really expensive to play where I live now.

  13. 1

    I'm mostly into strength sports - powerlifting, weightlifting, strongman.

  14. 1

    I love sports! I try to something every day. Even if it's only walking.

    I go to the gym, practice yoga and martial arts. It was easier before corona.

    Lately I've been playing football (soccer) as well. After 20 years it's surreal. But people are very nice.

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      When I’m lazy to run, I also try to go for a walk

  15. 1

    Bouldering indoors. However, last time was before covid...

  16. 1

    Beach Volleyball! You can get out in the sun and running around in the sand is BRUTAL. Plus the Volleyball community is amazing, everyone is really friendly and the outdoor tournaments are incredible

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      I believe it’s similar to beach soccer. I’ve played a few times and it’s incredibly difficult to run in the sand, sun burning

      Beach Volleyball is popular in my home country (Brazil). But never played

      1. 1

        Yeah, it's my favorite!

  17. 1

    When I lived in New Orleans I played disc golf. It's fun, easy to get started, basically free ($10 - $15 for a disc), and a great excuse to get outside and walk around for an hour and a half every day. But, I've recently moved to NYC and there's no disc golf here! Looking for a new athletic hobby now!

    1. 1

      Never heard of. Looks funny and outdoor exercise is the best thing

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      I like outdoor tennis. I also am back after a while. I love being on court. Just need to improve my game though lol

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        This comment was deleted a year ago.

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