Do you share content on Twitter and no one seems to care?

I've been more active on Twitter lately, and I found that most of the time when I share about my products, there is little engagement. That makes me a bit sad thinking my products are not attractive enough.

For example, when I shared about oss.wiki, my website showcasing best free and open source Mac apps on Twitter https://twitter.com/onmyway133/status/1488609484209590277

The engagement is humble.

I was about to dismiss the idea as no one seems to care. Then 1 month later, I posted on Reddit again

And the reception is immense. Someone even gifted me 700 Reddit coins and another also gave me a gold coin and access to /lounge subreddit.

It can be because my website is not good, yes. But don't let that discourage you, it can be due to how Twitter algorithm works that it does not show my tweet to people.

Twitter is not the only platform to showcase your products. There are many other channels like here on Indie Hackers or Reddit, where you can target specific niche.

What I've learned is it's not about WHAT, it's about WHERE. Tell the right story, to the right audience.

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    humble? :) My latest tweet get 14 impressions.

    Reddit is another beast really, right sub and right audience brings quite a good amount of eyes on your content.

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      The good thing about Reddit is people are very direct and to the point. And their feedback are valuable

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    To those complaining Twitter doesn’t produce enough leads:

    I think you’re missing the point of Twitter.

    Twitter and Reddit are 2 different tools… with Twitter, if you have honest & quality content, you can build an identity establish yourself as an authority. Once you’ve done that, marketing to your audience will result in higher conversions than on Reddit.

    In contrast, Reddit is more so about the posts themselves and not so much about the author. You can convert much sooner since your credibility as an author isn’t as important as your ability to write interesting / click-baity titles.

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      Exactly. I've learned that Twitter is all about human interaction, like we're setting near the bonfire and chat. Reddit is more about products and discussions

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    What I've realized is that, when you have less number of followers, you need to follow a different strategy.

    1. Tweet a few high-quality evergreen contents on a regular basis. Don't ignore the word "few" here.

    2. Interact more with the accounts having a huge following that overlaps with yours. Make sure your replies add value to what the account owner has posted. Do this more frequently but don't spam unnecessarily.

    This way, you will be able to drive traffic to your account and gain more followers and hence more engagement to your content.

    1. 2

      These are all solid tips Ashit

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    I have too been feeling the same way. I have been building in public on Twitter and IH for the last 14 weeks and posting weekly progress updates. I am finding difficulty in understanding the audience where should I post my content too. Still, I have been consistent and keep posting our progress at Vadelabs.

    We have not tried Reddit yet.

    1. 1

      Don't let that discourage you, keep going

  5. 1

    Reddit loves scrappy underdog stories.

    Posts like "I worked on this in my spare time for a year" seem to get huge upvotes.

    HumbleBundle noticed this and leveraged the social charity motivation of Redditors to get front page for each of their first bundles, resulting in millions of sales (and donations to charity).

    It single handedly drove them to success, although now you could argue they are no longer the under dog...

  6. 1

    Yeah I think Twitter is very reliant on you having a large enough existing audience, it can be a little harder to break through.

    Been on the front page of r/accounting many times with my current project. Reddit is very fickle though, mention the slightest hint of trying to make money in the post and get downvoted into oblivion. Have anything that elicits an "us versus them" emotion and you're looking at front page material.

    Sucks that this is how it's got to be, but people are strange

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    Yeah, Mostly I noticed. Probably my content is not so far good. I shared post related to my site, kayakidea.com. Will you prefer what should I do.

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      I've started to understand how Twitter works, it's all about human interaction and less about products.

      1. 1

        yeah, you are right.

  8. 1

    Yes, Twitter's friends are not product's target. So weak. We have to reach information to real customers by other ways.

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      Different channels, different purposes

  9. 1

    I have gained a little traction on reddit but I have basically no engagement on my Twitter. It is quite annoying.

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    The algorithm and how both apps work is just so different. I've noticed this too. Great job on the Reddit post though :) Don't let the low Twitter engagement bother you - keep at it, build an audience, and that might do wonders as well.

    1. 1

      Thank you. Keep going too

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