Do you think you do enough for your users' privacy?

I'm curious about what measures, processes or even specific tools (if at all!) you have in place to secure the privacy of your users.

Do you think you could do better? What's stopping you?

Would love to hear your thoughts :)

  1. 1

    Hash their passwords, allow them to delete their data. Another important step is to have a good privacy policy that the user can actually understand. I guess most people are lazy to put in the work though. For that, checkout this tool privacysanta.bom by @botvader!

  2. 1

    @Hernan would like to discuss a start opportunity with yourself. Could I possibly get your email address so we can chat about this further

  3. 1

    For Portabella (https://portabella.io), I've opted for as much privacy and security as possible while maintaining the user experience. I actually wrote about this on my blog the other day https://blog.portabella.io/what-do-we-store/.

    This means I've gone for no third party tracking scripts, no fonts from google, no cookies. In terms of tracking user IPs I need to look into Netlify's privacy policy but I have no problem switching to something fully controlled by myself like AWS S3 or even setting up my own rack in a data center.

    Soon I'm hoping for an email-less sign up flow, however Stripe payment requires an email address anyway so not sure how much benefit that provides. I'm also looking to accept various privacy preserving cryptocurrencies soon.

    1. 1

      That's pretty diy! I like it. Just checked out your product and it looks interesting. Glad to see other privacy-focused products. Any ideas on how you'll make Portabella email-less?

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        Making the flow nice is one thing but basically I'd just switch the register/login forms to optionally take a username. Right now the users keys are derived from a email:password hash, but that could easily be a username:password hash.

        You'd obviously only be able to invite people by username if they've already registered. Currently inviting someone via email sends them an email to register if they aren't already.

        1. 1

          Right. How do you plan on building customer relationships without their emails? I’m not shooting holes, just curious.

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            This feature would be focused st very private individuals. They don't necessarily want a customer relationship.

            In general though, what exactly do you mean by customer relationship? Personally I don't have a relationship with any tools I use, I don't want them emailing me, ever. I also don't feel like I'm alone with this opinion

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