Do you use an online tool to calculate percentages?

I've created a simple site with handy calculators because I personally know people who struggle. I'm interested in getting a read on the community too!

Do you use an online tool to calculate percentages?
  1. Yes (because I'm not great with percentages)
  2. Yes (because its just more convenient than calculating myself)
  3. Nope
  1. 2

    going to very useful! Thank you for this

    1. 1

      No problem. Be good to get any other ideas for calculators/calculations you find a chore, if you have 'em

  2. 2

    I am definitely one of those that google things like this 😄

    1. 1

      You're in good company!

  3. 2

    I don’t use them but I can totally see people googling for tools for something like getting a percentage.

    1. 1

      Yeah, the search volume is actually quite significant it seems.

  4. 1

    😂 Google and ChatGPT are real sweethearts for this one

    1. 2

      I’m not sure I trust ChatGPT with math 😂

    2. 1

      ChatGPT doesn't always provide accurate answers. I've used it for 9th and 10th-grade questions, and it frequently gives incorrect responses.

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