Do you use ChatGPT and how has it helped your startup succeed?

Hello founders, yes I know another GPT topic :) I am curious how many startup founders actually used ChatGPT to succeed in certain operations such as marketing, sales, development, etc...

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    I've just created a proof of concept of an ecommerce content generation tool that im fairly proud of for the first iteration. Im in the process of uprading it to gpt-4 at the moment but for some reason I cant get reliable json outputs for now.

    I also used chatGPT itself to help in the development process for parsing its own API output. (Creating Regex)

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    We use chatGPT mostly for engineering tasks (like putting in your desired result and reviewing the code of chatGPT afterward, at least gives you a good starting point) and generating good copy for e.g. website or internal app. It's great for rather non-creative people to write really good text.

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