Do you use Reddit to do market research & validation?

Hey! If you use Reddit to research markets & validate your solutions, I'd love to hear your use-case and how you do it.

I've built gummysearch.com as a tool to search Reddit for conversations related to your business, so that you can join the conversation and pitch your product when relevant. What I've found recently is that some of my initial beta users are using my tool more for research + validation rather than social listening, and I'm exploring the idea of doubling down on more market & pain point exploration features rather than adding more platforms as a broad social listening tool.

I'm pretty excited about the idea of working with earlier stage entrepreneurs during the exciting phase of ideation + validation, and want to make sure that the product fits the use-case.

So if you do use Reddit for research/validation, please let me know how it goes down! And if you'd like to video chat instead, just email/DM me. Thanks!

posted to
on August 16, 2021
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    Any chance for GummySearch to expand beyond Reddit? To IH and other communities.

    Reddit is not really friendly to users who are constantly promoting (or shilling as they call it), even though you might be providing value.

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      Maybe at some point I'll expand, but I want to get it right for one platform first.

      You're right, Reddit hates shameless self-promotion. But there's a difference between making low-effort posts with your website in them, and actually answering someone's question who is asking for a solution or resource which happens to be exactly what you can help them with.

      I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to mentioning your business on Reddit. However, with the right tools, I think a win-win-win scenario is possible.

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    Don't intend on using Reddit, not a fan of the site. However, I will be using Quora for research purposes.

    ETA: So it would be great, if gummy search could be used on there.

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