Does reporting a post as "spam" or "low quality" do anything?

Problem1: IH has a bunch of spam posts

Problem2: IH wants to keep a positive vibe (probably why we don't have down-votes?)

Problem3: IH has no mods (though it looks like we'll get one soon?)

My solution: flag spam posts as spam.

Question: am I just wasting my time? Does this do anything? Should I just ignore those posts?

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    It does help! Moreso as of today than it did in the past. I don't want to go into too much detail, because the spammers are smart and I don't want them learning how to beat our new-and-improved defenses.

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    Any examples?

    Edit: found a bunch and banned them.

    Chatgpt seems to have made it a little harder.

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      What I do is just sort by new and start reading. There's a few that pop-up.

      Thanks for looking for them yourself.

      RE: Chat GPT.

      Good point, and I think the problem will get worse over time.

      One solution I can think of is some sort of karma/identity system, but that probably has its own flaws.

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