Does seeing the same ad over and over change your mind or increase the odds of you buying something?

Does seeing the same ad over and over change your mind or increase the odds of you buying something? Curious to why these politicians are paying millions to play the exact same ad multiple times. You would think they could afford to create a variety of ads.

Does this strategy work for promoting a product? Or are they just throwing money away?

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    It just annoys me to hell and strengthens my determination not to buy the product.

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    I think it does. The minimum thing that it does is create awareness that your product exists.

    I've seen so many great products from IHers here and have thought to myself, "Why haven't I heard about this until now?"

    If I see an ad multiple times, even if I don't have the any intention of buying from them or if they've targeted me incorrectly (wrong customer), I still remember their name when the problem they're solving comes up in the future. Crazier still, even when I can't remember their name, I'll go searching for them when the problem comes up.

  3. 1

    Personally I am annoyed if I see the same add all the time for example on Reddit, Twitter, etc... sometimes I start to dislike a product because of that. For example I now hate CircleCI :D Their ads are following me everywhere (YouTube and many other places) and I am tired to see the same thing repeatedly so I ask the platform not to show it again when possible.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 1

      Haha I see what you did there 🥤

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