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My first YouTube video: How I got offers from Amazon, Microsoft, and Bloomberg

Hello friends!

This year I decided to start a YouTube channel to share my experience working in tech. I've got plenty of experience interviewing people (and being interviewed), so I thought I'd share what I've learned in these last few years.

👉 Watch de video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj57nB1CKHU

🌐Read the post: https://heylucas.net/how-i-got-offers-from-amazon-microsoft-and-bloomberg/

I'd love feedback on the video! I had a hard time speaking to the camera and there are some part that I find awkward. Video editing also can use some improvement. There are some parts where the transitions are too abrupt.

But I'm sure I'll get better with time!

PS: Setting up a YouTube channel was more work than I thought. Hit me up if you'd like to chat about the process!

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