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React dev for book discovery and tracking app


  • React/Next.js 14 Developer with Rails & DevOps experience.
  • Project: Book tracking and discovery app (https://hardcover.app).
  • Tech Stack: Next.js/React on Vercel, GraphQL Hasura on Hasura Cloud, Ruby on Rails on Heroku.
  • Solid React & Next (app router) knowledge, Git/GitHub, GraphQL understanding, excellent communication, clean code, testing skills.
  • Equity pie model, already launched with a growing user base.
  • Location: Preferably US-based
Looking for someone with React/ Next JS 14 experience for a book tracking and discovery app. Rails experience plus DevOps is a plus.

App is already launched, has a user base and is slowly approaching ramen profitability. Working on an equity pie model. The long-term mission is to provide a better alternative for readers frustrated about G**dreads and the Amazon ecosystem. At the moment it's me on design and front-end, Adam who's a full-stack dev, and Jeff who's our head librarian. Updates are done on Discord, where we also host our 500+ member community.

Tech stack details
Right now the front-end for the website, iOS and Android apps is a Next.js/React app running on Vercel. That app connects to a GraphQL Hasura backend running on Hasura Cloud. The real backend is a Ruby on Rails app running on Heroku. We’re using Ruby on Rails a little differently than most people. It’s only used as an API and an admin interface using ActiveAdmin.

Almost all actions on Hardcover that involve showing data skip Rails altogether (they just use Hasura + Postgres). It’s only when a logged in reader does something that we hit the Rails API. In other words, we don’t have a GraphQL API in Rails. The Rails APIs are all just REST endpoints.

Looking for someone who understands React & Rails, has a solid grasp of Git and GitHub, understands GraphQL, is a solid communicator (!), is focused on writing clean, organized code, can write tests (we test the important bits), and likes the idea of being able to develop something and ship it.

Some of the things that I think make it stand out:

  • MatchScore which tells you how much you're likely to enjoy a book based on your previous reading.
  • integrated AI to help you decide what you read and for book data.
  • providing lots of functionality for power readers, while keeping the UI clean and streamlined.
  • open API for developers plus plans to open source the front-end this year.
  • developing support for authors to foster their communities (ongoing, scheduled for this year).
  • working on implementing Discussions (beginning of this year)
  • privacy-minded and granular privacy controls for all your activities
  • generally the speed of improvements and the way they reflect on both the web and mobile apps. We've been very dynamic and nimble the past year, and at the current pace we're bound to offer what we promised from the start of our journey - the best book platform for readers and authors in terms of functionality and ease of use.

Ideally, this is for someone who's US-based.

mail me at [email protected] or join the Discord here https://discord.gg/W9X86TvcKt and 👋 in the development channel

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    Hey, I'm definitely interested in learning more! Just sent you an email

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