The man that uploaded 2 million videos to YouTube

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    All while we're still thinking of uploading our first video onto YouTube.

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      Sometimes we overestimate quality and underestimate quantity.

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    This is inspiring cool dude

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    I mean - he's doing SEO right and the algo is responding.

    I don't see an issue here aside from video quality haha.

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    Low quality content for sure, and low effort as per the content WITHIN each video. But this is actually a high effort channel. The difference is, he put the effort most people put into a single video, into a single FRAMEWORK for an autonomous channel. He went for leverage.

    He's even got actual authentic, personable intros on each video, smiling, etc. It's a full-stack youtube channel.

    A million 1 view videos isn't helping anyone though. Perhaps it's time to tweak the algo.

  5. 1

    Holy...here's a link to his list of YouTube videos sorted by popularity.

    Some of them have next to 100k views.

    Interesting to see that his last video was 4 days ago, seems he kinda stopped once he got some publicity.

    1. 1

      Can't believe I have watched some of his already 😃

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