What are you using for your knowledgebase software?

Currently, I'm looking into knowledgebase software(think helpdocs). I'm not really interested in paying $40 a month for the service if I don't have to. Is there a freemium service?

I guess I could build my own solution but I'd rather not take on that hassle currently...

Any IHer's in this space I can support?

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    I use Notion for my personal one.

    I've also seen some people using it for public ones.

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    We just added KB to our website builder

    https://versoly.com/help is how it would look. Comes with search, categories and sub categories.

    Of course the builder also allows you to create pages, publish blog posts and collect emails.

    Feature I think a lot of Knowledge bases lack that Versoly has is global blocks (lots of KB articles use the same text/images), you can just save them as a global block and reuse and update once.

    Even if you don't chose Versoly would love to learn what you pick.

    We started with https://www.gitbook.com/ which is free to use.

    But the SEO benefits of having help docs in a subfolder like example.com/help convinced me to build it + seeing founders spend 3+ weeks to build it with static site generators etc.

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    Have you thought about Notion? There's also a Notion group here that might help you.

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