First subscription customer! ($900/mo, productized service) 🥳

Yesterday I sold my first subscription ($900/mo) for productized coaching/strategy. 🙌🏿

What is it?

Bonus Brain is 1 on 1, asynchronous life and business strategy. I help folks navigate the daily life of entrepreneurship - "how do I handle ______?"

Target audience is entrepreneurs with relationship-based businesses (folks I've served with this asynchronous model: small UX/UI agency owner, life coach, micro graphic design agency, private chef/caterer, high dollar digital course sales person).

Biz details thus far

  • My version of the concept of asynchronous coaching came late February 2023. You can read about Bonus Brain's origin story on this post I shared on IndieHackers.

  • And two weeks ago I officially went from the beta brand to this service's real home BonusBrain.io.

but today I'm celebrating after selling a bunch of one-off months of this model, I have my very first subscriber with my productized service!!

Recurring revenue, baby!

My typical one on one coaching is engagement-based and $5k-$30k depending on length of engagement and other factors. It ends up being a lot of "eat what you kill" and that feels really hard sometimes. So this feels pretty rad to have on-going income like this.

A few thoughts about this customer's use

The subscriber was someone who'd bought 1 off packages the last few months when I was still trialing the idea.

She really used the tool as intended; ie, reach out whenever she has a challenge to solve (vs in a typical coaching relationship you wait until your weekly 1 on 1 to talk to your coach).

Her inquiries are a combo of:
60% tactical ("How do I have this conversation? What's a good strategy for getting into this room? Here's the outline for a talk I've giving - thoughts?),
25% coaching (reflection, visioning, exploring challenging/not helpful thoughts, navigating discomfort with hard emotions),
and 15% consulting (me to her: "Do this, not that.")

Which is an excellent mix!
It's been less successful with high levels of coaching in this model - coaching requires a copious about of contingent communication and that's really tough to do well via voice messages over several hours.

How I got this subscriber

On Wednesday, I sent an email to all of the early users of the service (then called 30 Days of Audio-Based Coaching) inviting them to legacy pricing to the subscription ($900/mo vs the new price $1000/mo).

I've sold about $11k of single months of access but this is the very first subscriber/recurring revenue!



One of my on-going challenges is really nailing the marketing for this offer (vs the audience for my larger/longer engagement coaching clients). They're definitely not the same people and they don't use access to me in the same way.

I believe I've tapped out the folks I had use the beta (one subscription customer from the 6 beta customers feels solid).

And I'm hesitant to hop quickly into typical social media marketing (even thought that would probably be effective for this offer).

This week (like today) I need to decide on a game-plan and really focus on it this summer so I have data to review by the end of August.


Coaching, consulting, strategy can be a slippery thing (hard to name, hard to quantify results and hard to keep 'in scope') so I'm writing out a spec doc to help me stay within my bounds of what I can effectively offer support on and what I can't.

Near term goals

My goal is get 15, $1k subscribers by August 30, 2023. I financially support myself with coaching and am ready to move away from the traditional model. It's full steam ahead for Bonus Brain!

posted to
Productized Services
on June 3, 2023
  1. 1

    Congrats! Huge getting the first one in the door. Here's to many more!

  2. 1

    Gongrats! Your near term goal sounds fantastic and realistic!

    I‘m still struggling with my first subscriber, but my productized service is only two weeks old 😁

  3. 1

    Congrats! I run a productized service for Twitter marketing and it's an awesome feeling to get your first recurring customer!

  4. 1

    Congrats! Getting the first paying subscriber is a major milestone. Before you know it you'll have 5.

  5. 1

    Congrats to you getting your recurring subscriber.

    I know that you are super excited and I wish you well throughout your Productized Service journey.

  6. 1

    Congrats Hailey! Truly inspiring! I'm after my first as well... from zero to one is the hardest part...

    1. 1

      Thanks, Carlos, good luck to you! Yes, it felt much harder to sell this first subscriber than the very first beta person. Sometimes I'm thinking, "Ugh, I've been talking about this non-stop, if they wanted it they'd come by now." But I realize it's primarily me talking to me non-stop about it lol So lots (and perhaps different) selling/sharing to do with it.

  7. 1

    Congratulations Hailey! Keep going!

  8. 1

    Awesome! Congratulations! I read your story and learned new things. Thank you!

    I just launched my own project and I'm working on getting my first subscriber.

    Good job, Hailey!

    1. 2

      Thanks! What's your project? What strategies are you using to get that first subscriber/how is it going for you?

      1. 1

        It's a digital design service, https://designbear.net.

        Now, I'm targeting & testing particular niche NFTs. Since I've done a few projects in this niche.

        Also being active in the community such as Indiehackers and Producthunt.

  9. 0

    This is an amazing story. I wish you well honestly👌

    1. 2

      Thank you! I appreciate the kind words. :)

  10. 0

    Congrats! This is such an exciting news!

    1. 1

      Thanks! I'm pretty stoked. :)

  11. 0

    Congratulations Hailey 🎉🥳
    Up and forward from here!

    I'm also on the productized services journey Strokes Studio. How did you got those "early users"?

    1. 1

      Thank you, Vansh! Early users came from folks rolling off of larger coaching engagements (they weren't fully ready to be done but were't ready to drop another $5-$10k working together).

      I rolled out the orginal MVO to my "hot" leads (current or recently off-boarded clients) and sold 2. Then shared with my "warm" leads (via my podcast, email list, etc) and sold another 3, so first 5 in about 21 days. Then sold about 6k more/6 more "units" (half of that in reups) in the 30 days after that.

      So I utilized the small audience/customer base that I already had and sent a lot of direct email invitations.

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