Which Twitter marketing app do you swear by?

I feel like I've come across dozens of Twitter tools over the years, but now that I'm specifically looking for one I'm not sure what to use.

Is there a Twitter marketing tool that you swear by?

Things I'm looking for:

  • when are my followers most active
  • notifications when people tweet about keywords
  • info that helps me decide when and with what to engage

Thanks for any advice!

  1. 3

    Hootsuite + SproutSocial are the two I've used -- been a while, so no idea where the products are at these days. Twitter didn't have much for analytics in the early days.

    Buffer for queuing posts --- I'm definitely dating myself here 😂

    But now a days, I just write my own scripts for analytics and pull details from the API. I can be more targeted on what I'm actually wanting to see, and automate my own process.

    Came across this on another IH post a earlier today:

    1. 1

      That's awesome that Tweethunter provides that info for free!

      Okay, I'll look into Hootsuite and SproutSocial. Thank you for the advice!

      1. 3

        @ako also mentioned https://blackmagic.so/ in another IH post.

        1. 4

          I'm a big fan of Syften for monitoring keywords. The founder is another solo founder and super responsive to feature requests.

          You can monitor keywords on twitter, reddit, stack overflow and more...I like getting alerts sent to me via Slack so I can respond right away.

          1. 2

            Thank you! This is a huge part of what I was looking for. I was even considering trying to build it myself 😱

  2. 2

    I created https://Birdesk.app as a Twitter marketing tool - for $3.60 it's probably the cheapest solution out there.

    Offers analytics, inspiration, automation of tweets, threads, retweets, quotes, replies and DMs.

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing this! I definitely appreciate the aggressive pricing. Going to start the trial this week :)

      1. 1

        That's great. Let me know if you need anything. I'm quick to respond on Twitter.

  3. 2

    I use good 'ol tweetdeck.

    But it probably won't fit your use case.

  4. 1

    I like FeedHive and BlackMagic

  5. 1

    Can you share a list of that Twitter tools you used before?

    1. 1

      None, only Twitter's built-in analytics (https://analytics.twitter.com/)

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