Cannot access my profile on IH

Hello everybody,

since a couple of days, I am not able to access my profile here on Indiehackers. When I try, I get redirected to a page where it asks me to complete my empty profile, however, my profile was completed several years ago, I do not want to touch anything in case it will remove all my content. If I access to my profile as incognito, then I can see everything normally.
Do you know if this is a known bug or how can it be resolved?

(this is my profile link btw https://www.indiehackers.com/manast)

Thanks in advance

  1. 2

    Hi! Profiles is a new feature on IH, look at the announcement post about it: Announcing: Indie Hackers Profiles.

    1. 1

      Aha, that explains it. Then it should be safe to just add some stuff in the profile. The strange thing is that you cannot see your old profile anymore, I guess that is what is called history now? a bit confusing to be honest.

      1. 1

        Yes-yes. The old parts of the UI are still there. It is confusing for sure, but after a while you will get used to it.

        1. 1

          What I find more confusing is the fact that the navbar disappear when you're on your profile.

          1. 2

            I made a feedback about this. I literally wrote this. It is very annoying.

  2. 1

    This is sad... now the profile is completely gone, my products, everything. Why does this happen?

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