Solution to your consistency problem...

Hello 👋

Being consistent is one of the most important things in life to succeed at anything big. And I see many indiehackers struggle with this. I too struggle with it. And hence decided to build a solution for it.

I am learning to be disciplined and be consistent everyday by helping others do the same as well.

The journey can be super hard and lonely. Nobody really does it alone. Everyone needs help.

Having even single person by your side can make a huge difference. I strongly believe it.

And I am energised to do that.

I can be your accountability buddy. I can devote some direct time to you. I’ll even go extra mile and surprise you if I need to. Everyday.

What do I get out of it?

  1. I like helping others. So it makes me happy
  2. I’ll learn a lot by observing how you respond to the system I build for you
  3. Seeing you winning everyday would solve the same problem for me as well.

Already helping 2 people successfully. If you are seriously committed to achieve your goals - dreams and need some personal 1-1 help. Comment below👇

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