Feedback call for Tailkits ✨

Hey Tailwind CSS lovers!

We've been hard at work curating the ultimate library of Tailwind CSS templates, tools, resources and more with Tailkits ( https://tailkits.com/ ) , but we know there's always room for improvement. That's why we want to hear from you - what's missing from our curation?

Is there a specific UI kit, template, component, tool or resource that you've been searching for love to use in your projects or but just can't seem to find? Let us know in the comments below, and we'll do our best to add it to our collection. Also, any feedback on Tailkits would be great to hear as we are still developing it!

  1. 3

    Would to see https://versoly.com/tailwind-page-builder on there.

    Tailwind devs love us and hoping to change the whole web design workflow as well.

    1. 2

      Great suggestion!
      I know Versoly for a while. Let's check Versoly out @yucelfaruksahan !
      Good luck with that Volkan 🔥

      1. 2

        Teşekkürler Fatma!

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