German speaking Indie Hackers and Bootstrappers Podcasts

👋 Hallo Allerseits,

I‘m sure that some of you listen to some of the Podcasts which document the life of an Indie Developer and Bootstrapped Company.

Some of the more popular ones are probably:

Art of Product
Build your SaaS
Out of Beta

I left out a ton of other great formats.

Now my question: Do you know any related german-speaking podcast?

Sometimes challenges can be very specific to a certain market or country. I‘m curious what others have experienced and to say.

  1. 1

    Hey Dennis, maybe you like this one https://www.digitalesstandbein.de/

  2. 1

    Hi Dennis,
    an deutschen Podcasts fallen mir nur zwei ein

  3. 1

    Hi Dennis,

    the closest thing I know is Digital Kompact podcast. Sounds like there is some space to be filled ;-)

    Ping me you find or launch something.

    1. 1

      There‘s a lot of room left. But talking alone into a microphone is way too boring ;)

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