Give yourself a recommendation if you were building your first project

I have a question for you. Do you remember the thrill of building your first project? Ah, the excitement, the fear, the endless cups of coffee - it's all part of the journey. Allow me to share my little story.

A few years back, I was put in charge of a project - my first! While it was a small, remote team, managing it felt like herding cats. All the theoretical knowledge seemed to fade away when it came to practical application.
With a mountain of tasks and a clock ticking faster than ever, I realized one thing: Prioritization is key. Figuring out what tasks were most important and tackling those first helped bring some much-needed clarity.

We used project management tools like Trello to organize tasks and keep everyone in sync. Here's a handy article on how to keep your remote team running productively.

So tell us! What recommendations or tips would you give younger you when building your first product? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments section. After all, we learn best from each other's experiences.

My recommendation? Take a deep breath, plan carefully, communicate often, and remember to celebrate small victories. Also, be ready to adapt because things will only sometimes go as planned.

posted to
Web Development
on May 23, 2023
  1. 3

    I would tell myself to spend way less time on the product... POC first and then dedicate your time to it if actually brings value to someone outhere. Great share!

    1. 1

      That's a great advise, thx for sharing!

  2. 2

    short answer: quick "cycles"

    i mean create POC(build), Validate it, Lanch it, Monotize, Grow and again for the next feature.

    KPI is very important.

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