Looking for Carrd expert to teach me

I hope this is appropriate to ask in this forum, I'm new to IH and still figuring out where to do what!

I'm using Carrd to build a sales page. It's a pretty simple one, but I'm new to this platform and would rather pay someone to walk me through how to do things rather than muddle through it (and waste time). I'm pretty tech-savvy but even so there are a few simple things I haven't been able to quickly figure out. Anyone here interested? Or know someone? Thank you!

  1. 3

    Hi Alexis, you should check out @Ryden
    He's got some great resources for Carrd that I've used.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the mention Andrew :)

      Alexis, here's a good starting point for you:

      If you want more help just DM me on Twitter and I could help you out :)

      1. 1

        This is perfect, exactly what I need (although eventually I'd love to learn to build them myself, too). Brilliant idea to offer this!

    2. 1

      This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

  2. 1

    Not an expert, but I'm running a few Carrd sites and love it. Would be awesome to exchange opinions @alexisgrant - on twitter? Let's chat :) my link in profile

  3. 1

    Thank you all for the helpful replies! Big shout-out to Martin, who took the time to help me today — that made all the difference. His templates are great, too.

  4. 1

    Hi Alexis!
    You can reach me here https://thinkplus.media

  5. 1

    Look for Martin Ryden on Twitter. He's extremely good.
    We at lowcode.agency build A LOT of carrd websites, but don't have the time to do walk throughs ATM.

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