Here's why thousands of Etsy sellers are boycotting the platform

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    The key reason why this article caught my attention was because of it's implications for web3. Web2 platforms like Etsy get to decide the fee rates and can set them arbitrarily. In this scenario, they are raising them regardless if Etsy users agree with it. In the future, its possible that a Web3 platform will allow creators to set their own fees, and not have to deal with an Etsy setting them for them. So, wanted to share this news article because it just gives me more that one day in the future centralized organizations won't have the ability to set their fee-rates as they do today.

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      Hey! I'm in the resale space, and this is actually really interesting to think about. What's the best way to help creators work towards setting their own fees? Wanted to see if you had any intro resources you could send my way as someone who has been ingrained in the web2 e-comm world

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    Etsy does marketing/brings traffic for the creators. They might have started their standalone shops and do not pay the fees. And end up with no customers.

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