How I solve my second language writing problem using AI

Hi everyone.

Even though my writing is not that bad in English, which is my second language, I still sometimes struggle with it. There were times when I wished I could get help from a native writer in real time. From time to time, I also receive feedback that my writing shows that I am not a native speaker of the language.

To solve this problem, I built MagicNote for myself and have been using it for a while. I LOVE it because it rephrases my content on demand and suggests better versions of it. Whether filling out an application, writing a report or just sending out an email, I've been using MagicNote effectively so far. I thought it would be great if other people who are experiencing the same challenge could benefit from it too.

What do you think about the idea? Anybody having trouble like me while writing in his/her foreign language? Do you think that is something needed?

Would love to hear your opinions.

  1. 2

    Same here. It's quite difficult to write for international audience as am not a native speaker.

    Looking forward to try your MagicNote. Is it a SaaS product or something else?

    1. 1

      Thanks for your opinions. It is SaaS.

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