How do you maintain work/life balance?

For many indie hackers it's very difficult to maintain a good work/life balance. Either you're doing this on the side in which case you need to spend extra time working on your side project which takes away from family and social time.

Or, you're doing this full time in which case there's extra stress to succeed or not clear boundaries between work time and personal time.

I'd love to hear your stories and any actionable advice to maintain the balance in a way where everyone wins and both your business and personal life don't lose!

posted to
on August 7, 2020
  1. 2

    Fulltime physician. Just trying to power through. Some days just too tired but consistency has been key to our growth. We've had big leaps in traffic and I think most of that has just been google recognizing that we haven't died.
    Treating COVID patients during the day then logging onto twitter/FB to see the dumpster fire of misinformation online is discouraging to say the least...

  2. 1

    Schedule they day. Unscheduled day is a regretful day.

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