Sell a Google Sheet Access on Gumroad

  1. 1

    does it support being able to share a doc with comment permissions? I'd like to give people private access to a small number of other people commenting on the same doc

  2. 1

    Go, Team Sheets!

  3. 1

    Great !
    Now do Airtable !

    1. 1

      🤔I think that would go against my branding.....

      1. 1

        Onlybase. I'll use that as well. 😁

  4. 1

    That's really cool! I was looking for a similar solution to sell templates I've created on Asana.

    One thing I was wondering about though, is there any thing stopping people who buy it from "duplicating" the sheet and sharing with friends?

    1. 1

      As a sheet owner, I, or you, can set the viewer to set on or off the copy/download ability. So really someone can sell view only access and a user really only can view it. obviously can screenshot it too, but like only fans, really keep their data protected as best as possible on the internet copy machine.

  5. 1

    I love this! definately will be your customer soon!

  6. 1

    Cool idea. I'm sure you'll find some buyers!

    1. 1

      found some.. or they found me 🤔

  7. 1

    Very interesting idea! good luck Andrew :)

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