Generate an effective headline for your product without hiring a copywriter.

Since there's a lot of conflicting and misguided advice around copy, I'm creating free tools to help entrepreneurs untangle this topic.

E.g. who hasn't heard the "people only read headlines" claim?

People don't ONLY read headlines. People read what interests them. And if the headline is interesting, they'll read the rest.

But most people have no idea how to write a good headline, so they copy some big company's homepage headline. (Or worse, they rip off a competitor.)

They end up with headlines that are neither good nor unique, and visitors take notice.

I can't teach you to write a good, unique headline in a minute.

But I can make a free tool that writes a damn-good headline based on several unique facts about your product (so it's uniquely yours) and some battle-tested headline formulas (so you know it works).

Try it yourself: https://tally.so/r/w54MNb

This is the first tool, I'm planning to make a few others. Do let me know if you liked it or hated it. (Especially if you hated it.)

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