Looking for help from native English speakers

Hello, everyone!

I'm not a native English speaker, and I'm trying to choose a name for my side project.

The main idea of the project -- is to save everything you find useful on the internet in one place.
Basically -- it's a bookmark manager, but with the ability to save photos, snippets, documents, etc, search among them, categorize, and so on.

Some time ago I decided to name it "Stash", bat recently I found out that there is already a bookmark manager with the same name.
Next, I literally fell in love with "StashBox", but today I found out that usually that means something like a box for marijuana.

Other options are: "WebStash" or "PageStash". Looks like they don't mean something illegal but I'm not sure that it's not completely silly or senseless. I want to get advice from some native English speakers.
What do you think?

  1. 1

    I think the word stash would make a great brand and is perfect for the product that you are developing. However, you are correct that there are already existing services/products that use the word as a brand name.

    Good news is, there are plenty of synonyms of the word stash that would work just as well if not better such as collect, stow, store, deposit, keep, stock, stockpile, accumulate, collection, nest egg, hoard, gather, museum, repository, archive, save, scrapbook, etc.

    You can even get a little creative with words like museum and library and call it Mybrary or Youseum or something like that

    The other options you came up with (WebStash and PageStash) are fine as well, WebStash is probably more fitting for what you are creating.

    Try not to name your project according to what it is or what it does. Stash or ay of the above mentioned words work because they are representative of what your project is with saying exactly what it is or what it does. For example, Google is not called search engine and Coinbase is not called crypto currency exchange. In some cases naming your project by exactly what it is or does is okay but typically, try to avoid this tactic.

    Lastly, your willingness or unwillingness to use alternative extensions can determine if you are able to get the domain that matches your brand name. If you are more open to using alternative extensions then you are more likely to get the name you want.

  2. 1

    Stash to me in any form sounds like less desirable storage of items.

    I'm also not a fan of names that don't mean much without the context behind them. If it's a bookmark manager then call it 'thebookmarkmanager' so it's clear what it is, includes keywords and is free to register. Might not sound sexy but says what it is on the tin so to speak.

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