116K Reddit views, 0 subscribers. Lol

I write short stories. I post these stories with the hope people will sign up to my short stories newsletter.

I don't know how I'm going to monetise it. I'm focused on improving as a writer.

My NFT story did well on reddit. I post the entire story as a text post and then link the sign up option at the end of the post.

But no one signed up.

What can I do to increase subscribers? I'm using email subscribers as the metric to determine whether I should keep going or not.

  1. 19

    Your post is 2k words, 9 mins reading time, and your sign-up link is at the bottom.
    Unfortunately internet users have a short attention span. That's why the most upvoted comment is that they gave up after 5 paragraphs. That's great feedback.

    That said, if your goal is to improve as a writer I wouldn't use newsletter sign-ups as your north star metric. There's a number of other skills involved in marketing your newsletter.

    The fact you got 116k impressions by the merit of your writing alone is impressive, particularly on a platform like Reddit that prefers short-form. I'd focus closer on something like impressions if you want to improve as a writer.

    1. 1

      Yeah I think I need to work on the opening. But I'm also not taking that to heart as it is reddit.

      I agree I'll use impressions from now on and hope that word of mouth kicks off for a smaller users.

  2. 7

    I looked into it and a "view" on Reddit just seems to mean "the post title was on their screen" - it doesn't mean they opened it or even really looked at the title, just that it showed up in their feed.

  3. 5

    Do you know how many people landed on your site from the post?

    Just reading that last line the post, it almost seems like a joke link. "I should scam people instead of learning how to build things..." seems like you're sharing your link in passing, expecting that no one will click it. It doesn't feel very confident.

    If I saw that at the end of a strong post, it almost feels like it's asking me to not click. Maybe if you try a stronger hook and came across more confident in the copy, it might get more clicks?

    1. 1

      Yeah I agree. The problem is it's a comedy post so there's going be jokes. But this might be a lesson that I need to adapt the endings for the platform.

  4. 3

    Very impressive that you got so many impressions!

    A few thoughts:

    • 60% upvote rate is a bit low. My popular posts are usually around 88% or higher (im sure different subreddits vary a lot though). But that rate might indicate that less than 50% make it past halfway, Id guess it might be way lower
    • I think you pitch at the end could be a lot stronger. Most people on reddit go to reddit for new content vs wanting a bunch of newsletters to check, so pitching it as a weekly newsletter is likely a huge turn off for this audience. Instead just link to you archives so they can read more stories from you. This rewards the people who liked your posts enough to read it all with even more writing they might like. Then if they like another story from your archive, they will likely subscribe (be sure to have a signup in your archive posts)

    Good luck!!

    1. 1

      I like the archive idea and that makes more sense. I have the signup on all posts :) Thank you!

  5. 2

    Absolutely fire Reece! Love that you are putting your work out there as a part of your learning journey.

    You aren’t the first one with this problem - news corporations had this problem long before.

    How did they solve it? They put out the first 1/4 or 1/5 of the story. It’s needs to be juicy and stop right on a cliffhanger. Then redirect to their website to read the rest of it.

    On their site they would have multiple sign-up triggers:

    • In-article sign-up forms. They one or two as you read the article.
    • Time-based pop-ups with opt-in. Someone spending 1 or 2 minutes on your website are highly likely to want the next story.
    • End of article. This is the true CTA, but not many readers make it here.

    Another thing that I noticed on your post. You don’t specify which type of stories I’m going to receive. You wrote about NFTs - that might interest me, but I don’t want a romance novel next. Clarify and double down on your niche.

    Think of this as a framework or a reference point and not a how-to. I don’t know your entire story.

    1. 1

      I don't think I can link it off a cliffhanger on reddit but I can do that on Instagram which I will. Twitter I have no idea but I'll try to figure it out. I could take a quote or really focus on coming up with a great line.

      You are correct. I need to be clear with the type of story I'm going to write. But I don't know if "personal life disasters" is a good niche. haha.

      Thank you for taking the time to reply! Very helpful.

  6. 2

    Reveal the end of the story behind the signup

    1. 1

      That's a great idea but I imagine I'll get banned on every sub reddit. haha

      1. 1

        Yeah redditors are usually pissed by tactics like that haha.

        You could maybe have sneakily added a small link in the body of the story by folding it into your story.

        “This was a time when I started to actually feel okay about it (I was even able to start writing(<~ small link) about it)”

  7. 1

    Post the link after the first paragraph and also at the end on the post.

  8. 1

    Never link directly to the signup page, unless the leads are super targeted.
    Link them to the landing page, and build trust and understanding first!

  9. 1

    Did the people giving feedback go and search your post on Reddit? or am I missing something? was there ever a link to post here?

      1. 1

        101 Marketing - drop a link when it's really relevant :) The link should be in your OP!

  10. 1

    You want to improve as a writer and it seems you do since you have more views. However, I am not sure people would sign up. Why would they sign up since they already read you on reddit?

    Two things I would do:

    • Test other channels (Twitter for example, maybe substack)
    • Try to make the post shorter and maybe have a clear call to action to subscribe at the top of the post
  11. 1

    Hey Reece, in my experience Reddit is great for some cases but most of the time it is trash traffic. Maybe you could try the same using Twitter threads + Revue. Revue is a newsletter tool very easy to use that will allow you to add a subscription button in your twitter profile. Users that subscribe will receive to their emails every story that you write. And posting your stories in twitter threads could become something viral. At the start you won’t get a lot of traffic but if you keep doing it you may achieve better results. And it would take no more effort than copying and pasting what you published on reddit.

    1. 1

      Hi Nico yeah this is a good example of trash traffic. It makes sense because people are on the subreddit to learn about Ethereum not be entertained.

      I've been trying to figure out how to do the stories on twitter. Do you know anyone doing something similar? Do I just put a summary on twitter or the full thing story?

      1. 1

        This guy does it great in Twitter (sorry it’s in spanish, maybe you can user a translation tool to check it out): https://twitter.com/federodr

        Here is an example of one of his stories: https://twitter.com/federodr/status/1506356555247230981

        1. 1

          Great example, super helpful. Thank you Nico!

    2. 1

      Sorry, another thing. Maybe there’s an opportunity as well if you use Revue or Substack instead of your custom built newsletter. Both tools are optimized to make more people subscribe if they like your content.

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