🎉 Ethereum group is live! What's everyone working on?

Hey Ethereans! We've just hit the minimum 10 members to get the Ethereum group off the ground. Thanks to everyone who's joined so far!

Maybe we can start the group off by sharing projects we're working on or ideas we want to build.

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    I'm working on a simple messaging app (nothing live yet, I'll post the MVP soon!). It's my first blockchain app, so learning as I go. The app uses React, Truffle, Drizzle, Ganache and ExpressJS.

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    I can start, since the group is so small at the moment. 😅

    I'm currently working on invoice.build (https://invoice.build) which is a super simple invoice builder for Ethereum tokens. The idea at the moment is just to provide context to B2B transactions, but I plan to move the whole invoice creation onchain and perhaps tokenized the value of the invoice in some way.

    I also recently had a chat with Austint Griffith who built Scaffold Eth (https://github.com/austintgriffith/scaffold-eth), a template react app for building Dapp prototypes really quickly. As a Vue dev I'd like to see more Ethereum tooling for us, so I think I'm going to spend some time adding a Vue template app to Scaffold Eth over then next couple of weeks.

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    Currrently working on a Reward-based Survey Dapp that helps companies increase their survey response rates by creating crypto incentives for their respondents.


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