Exploring YouTube Growth: Sharing Some Stats of Our Micro SaaS Youtube Channel

We can't predict how things will turn out.

When I began my newsletter, I never imagined that starting with just 10 subscribers would eventually lead to having 32,000 subscribers.

Now, yet again - Starting our Youtube Channel for SaaS builders.

Our Youtube experiment results.

~ 5.5 hours of watch time
~ 25 subscribers

  1. 2

    Impressive growth from 10 to 32k newsletter subs. Nice job on the YouTube entry as well. Your initial stats seem promising, so keep up the content. Looking forward to your channel's growth. Good luck.

    1. 1

      Thankyou. Will see to continue this momentum.

  2. 1

    This is very insigtful for me, as I have a YT channel but not able to drive much traffic. Looking forward to your channel's growth, and learning from you.

  3. 1

    This is helpful to see. I just started a channel to try to drive traffic to my website, but it has 20,000 views and only 27 subscribers. I think there must be something about your content that is keeping people wanting more.

    1. 2

      20K views and 27 subs implies the content may need to be improved. Thankyou, will continue to do what I am doing.

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