Learning to Code HTML

So, learning HTML has been a challenge, especially since I'm looking for a specific outcome and trying to build up to it. I assume having a mentor would help greatly, and I have some support, but I've mainly been using a website to learn and glitch.com to try it out. What are your experiences with learning a new coding language and what would you recommend to aspiring teenage coders?

posted to
IndieHacker Teens
on July 19, 2020
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    At my first internship, I was required to learn functional programming (Elm/Haskell) as that is what they used. It was a completely new way of thinking, and I was required to teach myself completely on my own, it was really frustrating. But little did I know that that was one of the most valuable experiences I've had in my career because I had to wade through the fundamentals in order to get to the rewarding moments where things clicked. There were times early on where I thought I should switch majors, and days where I felt I made no progress on my project. But I began to build momentum and actually write code (really really bad code).

    Embrace the moments where you feel overwhelmed or stuck, because if you can endure that, you'll make it to the rewarding moment of understanding. You'll unlock new possibilities with the skill you've just learned.

    For your situation with HTML, I'd recommend trying to build a product immediately. Read tutorials when you think you're stuck. It will probably be bad (as my project was), but at least you got a little better. Avoid getting trapped in reading tutorials, because the concepts won't get cemented in your brain as they do when you apply them.

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      I also follow this approach, just start building something I want with the technology I'm trying to learn. I learn that way much better.

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      Hi. I've been learning to code for quite a while now. I only know basic HTML, CSS, JS, Python and would like to further develop my skills.

      Your advice about starting with a project resonates with me but I can't think of any ideas to build. Do you have any advice on how I could maybe find a group working on some idea and join them to learn more code and actually apply my knowledge to a real-world project (it does not have to be profitable)?

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    Hey @Frostfire, I think if you want5 to start creating some websites and learn at the same time, you should check out some HTML5 themes. I sell easy-to-use HTML themes BuildFaster.co

    If you want to try one for free, check out Half-Half.

    Other then that template, I have many other themes for portfolios, newsletters, and apps.

    Let me know what you think :)

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      Hey @Frostfire, if you’re reading this then I want to tell you that @BraydenTW’s HTML themes are pretty cool. I tried out Half-Half and was really simple to use and easy to setup. 👍

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    Make sure you are building projects. Don’t get in the “Tutorial Trap”

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      Any advice on how to find projects to work on? I would love to work on a real-world project alongside someone more experienced than me to develop my coding skills.

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    Everyone, thanks for your responses! I'm gonna need some time to go through this :D. You guys are great!

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    Hey @Frostfire, I am a 15 year old web developer and would love to be your mentor. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'd love to chat and help you become a solid web developer and just to get to know eachother

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    I'd stay away from templates until you're comfortable with the structure of HTML documents. I get there are people trying to sell your products, but seriously stay away from templates if you're just learning.

    The best way to learn is by doing, which means you should create things you see. Head over to dribbble and build a simple web design that you find.

    One thing that I would pick up immediately is flexbox. I can't tell you the time I have saved since I finally learned how to use it effectively.

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    Here's a curated list of resources you might use as a roadmap to learn HTML and Frontend end dev

    1. Front-end Dev for beginners
    2. HTML for Beginners

    List are consist of articles, exercises and videos. There are couple of overlap recommendations, I saw in the comments.

    Good luck!

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    Hi there!

    Here’s a few good resources to learn HTML from:

    1. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML
    2. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UB1O30fR-EE
    3. https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-html

    In general, the tip with HTML is that it is a vast vocabulary of tags that have been implemented or deprecated over the years. You will enjoy picking up this markup language that powers the web.

    All the best!

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    I have been mentoring a young dev recently.

    I tried my hardest for him to start building an interest project, but he decided to keep doing tutorials and got stuck for ages.

    The second he started doing hands on projects with very little guidance he made huge progress.

    Some tips:

    • You don't need to remember everything (google is 90% of a devs job)
    • You can throw code away (doesn't have to be perfect)
    • You won't master it quickly
    • You will learn faster than you think :)
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      Hi, I think I can relate to what you said about tutorials vs projects. Any advice on how to find real-world projects to work on (preferably alongside a more experienced coder)?

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    I learned React with HTML + CSS from Scrimba. Small chunks of info, simplistic platform, and you get so much practice. I tried Udemy, Udacity, & Youtube too, but all of em were nowhere near the quality I wanted (+very messy). I'll leave a link to some of the HTML courses on there, & u don't have to pay for anything, the free courses are good enough rly. Good luck!


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