Web3 meets adoption: Buidlers assemble

Coinbase has 89M verified users and 11M monthly transacting users

Metamask has 30M monthly active users

3M people have ever bought an NFT

why the big drop off?

We launched a newsletter with a two part series taking a deep dive on the challenges with web3 adoption that pretty much any dapp is facing today

Part 1

Part 2

Do subscribe if you dig the content

  1. 1

    Yes, Mass Adoption is very important. We need to communicate in a easy way for "normal users". Assets, NFTS, and stuff like that make people feel dumb. Reddit for example did a very good job, they just called it "Collectable Avatars".

    1. 1

      Exactly. Major challenges are around wallets. Normal users to understand them and use then with least learning.

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