I analysed why Avatar-NFTs win the market from a product viewpoint!

Hey IH!

Last week, I have seen a lot of non-tech people got into NFTs and particular turned their instagram icon into their NFTs. Makes me wonder why Avatars-based NFTs make its way to the top despite portrait arts is not the top hits in traditional arts market.

I tried to analyse from a product perspective which follows the golden product rule "make something people want" instead of focusing on the trend and investment value.

TL;DR I believe they top the market because:

  1. Utility — Profile Picture for social media /Avatar for metaverse: be able to represent people's identity

  2. Emotion attachment & Rarity — We’re much easier to fall in love with an “individual being” than “an object”.

  3. IKEA effect & Community
    They’re not buying a product but co-creating and side projects in the digital world — a typical IKEA effect.

Full read: https://uxdesign.cc/why-all-popular-nfts-are-avatars-from-a-product-perspective-bb21bd565209

Let me know you all think and let's connect!

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