How Fosshost Services are Being Used

Free Software Foundation Europe

We provide hosting to the Free Software Foundation Europe for their open source REUSE API platform. The REUSE API helps developers to continuously check and display compliance with the REUSE guidelines. The API is the perfect tool for everyone who wants to show that their repository follows best practices in providing licensing and copyright information. Examples of open source projects where the REUSE API are used is corona-warn-app.

The goal of the corona-warm-app project is to develop the official Corona-Warn-App for Germany based on the exposure notification API from Apple and Google. The apps (for both iOS and Android) use Bluetooth technology to exchange anonymous encrypted data with other mobile phones (on which the app is also installed) in the vicinity of an app user's phone. The data is stored locally on each user's device, preventing authorities or other parties from accessing or controlling the data.

Modern Linux Distributions in India

We are proud to be able to provide a number of our hosting services to the Garuda Linux project. Garuda is an upcoming and new distribution that is built upon Arch Linux and offers a number of slick desktop managers.

Internet Archive

We help to support infrastructure to the Internet Archive project allowing the public to archive a website at any point in time. The Internet Archive stores 486 billion web pages dating back to 1996.

Fosshost Software Mirrors

Fosshost provides global mirroring to several open source projects including Manjaro Linux. Overall, we shift around 40TB per month and nearly 2 million download requests per day on our mirrors platform. The mirrors project is growing and we are looking at how we can introduce additional caching features to improve performance and capacity.

Are you an open source project interested in working with Fosshost? If so, we'd love to hear from you!

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