Help Me Figure Out the Trial Period Length

Hey Folks,
I am Building PrinceInCheck(https://priceincheck.com)- A No Code Price Monitoring Tool. The development of the application is in its end stage and most likely I will be launching the MVP by the first week of April. I am trying to figure out what should the length of the trial period. In case you think of any other duration than the ones mentioned in the poll feel free to type them out.

Thanks in advance.

Length of the trial period?
  1. 21 days
  2. 30 days
  1. 1

    4 weeks = 28 days followed by monthly billing.

    1. 1

      Thanks, it helps !!

  2. 1

    Rohit, I'm curious to know what was your thinking process behind 21 or 30 days. Why not 7 or 14 days?

    Figuring out the trial period length should mainly depend on the complexity of your product and your business goals. As a rule of thumb: make it long enough for users to fully understand the tool (consider level of complexity: capabilities/features), but not so long that they take too much time to make a purchase decision.

    Also, whatever length you decide early on, be open to change it later based on user feedback during the trial period. Real data → more informed decisions.

    1. 1

      Thanks, Mariam, for sharing your valuable opinion. I agree that only real-world data and user feedback can eventually help me decide the exact trial period duration. The idea behind having a 21 or 30 days trial was to buy me some time and get the product tested by some live users first (the ones already signed up for the beta waitlist) and make it as bug-free as possible before actually having people pay for it.

      Thanks again !!

      1. 1

        I see, great approach. Best of luck!

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