Would love some feedback on my websites' UX

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Product Design
on October 13, 2020
  1. 2

    A tad too noisy for my liking.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback! Can you please elaborate ?

  2. 2

    This is a much simpler clone of https://stocktwits.com, very nicely done! Your home page, as well as the home page of Stocktwits, is too cluttered in my opinion. You really want to make it clear that the text input box is the first action you want the user to take.

    Something like "Get expert level tips on any stock:" ("Search for the latest on your stocks" sounds like I'll be getting news articles, not scoop / buzz / opinions), with an input box beneath it pre-filled to a value like AAPL or TSLA (something recognizable, and also with a lot of comments / activity already in the thread), and then the comment thread beneath it.

    Instead of having login / signup buttons, when the user types out a comment and presses the "submit" button, THEN prompt them to login / signup (just don't lose all of the text from their comment!). They will be more likely to signup once they've invested time writing a comment. (And also put a login / signup button in the nav bar, nav menu, and footer for good UX).

    You're going to have to figure out a way to seed the community with comments, though, which is why Stocktwits started by harvesting tweets under the hashtag (made their site look more alive).

    Just my opinion: Please be aware that a majority of these sites exist because they are hype engines taking advantage of large amounts of novice users to move a price in one direction or the other. You might want to make predictions / a track record for each account an integral part of your platform to cut down on this, and help your real experts shine (you will grow slower, though, but will have less spam). A leaderboard is good for building this community, because people will want to show off how good their predictions have been.

    1. 1

      This is one of the best advice i've gotten! Thank you so much. I personally love the idea for predictions to make the spam problem better. I am pretty tired of stock-twits since the level of community there is pretty low and a lot spam.

      Im glad you think that this is a simpler stock-twits and I'm hoping the its simple enough to encourage regular people interested in these things.

      I think stock-twits got away with piggy backing on twitter hashtags but that also introduces a lot of spam as can be seen on their community. Hopefully i can circumvent some of that.

  3. 1

    When i hovered my mouse on the social buttons my eyes hurt for half a second due to the brightness. I think changing the green/cyan color to something else would help your design.

    1. 1

      Lol I thought the green/cyan would be a good way to get user's attraction. Thank you for the feedback.

  4. 1

    Hi Pranay,
    Could you send me an email via my profile. UX is a bit subjective so the best way to help improve it, if required, would be to start with a quick chat. I am absolutely happy to help in any way I can once I understand a few things.
    Look forward to hearing from you!

    1. 1

      Hey sure, I'll reach out!

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