TikTok is making young teens’ accounts more private by default

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    The recent change on TikTok automatically setting young teens' accounts to private by default is a positive step towards enhancing their online safety and privacy. This means that only approved followers can view and interact with their content, reducing the risk of exposure to inappropriate content or interactions. By defaulting to a more secure setting, TikTok is taking proactive measures to protect its young users from potential harm.

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    That's a good thing. In this time you can't always keep track on kid. It will be nice if content of under 14 teens is limited to other teens only.

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    The suite of tweaks should add up to a TikTok that’s more protective of its youngest users. Those users can still, by and large, use TikTok the way anyone else can, but the app is doing more to shield those users and their videos from the community at large.

    TikTok has been gradually adding more privacy controls for teenagers’ accounts over the past year. In 2020, the app started allowing parents to remotely set restrictions on a child’s account and later began allowing parents to tweak their kid’s privacy settings, too. TikTok also previously disabled direct messaging for users under 16.

    Interesting to see this and I'm wondering whether (with everything else going in the world with moderation stuff) more companies will start to implement better practices.

    Will this actually make an impact?

    Or should companies be doing more? Or less 😬

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