Do Research


I want to share my method of approaching marketing.
Doing some research gives you a panoramic view of the territory you are going to enter, and it isn't like starting to sell your product from the void.

Create a simple Excel: Link | Why is it here? | Tag

Tags could be competitor, legal, ideas, innovation, type of product.... After you have more than 50 rows, of different tags, dots start to connect.

Instead of wondering who would try your product, you can start with this research, you will find sites related to your topic, competitor prices, and what a regular user finds when searching for these topics... next step will feel natural.

You will know your differences, advantages, what to push, pricing, ... after having a list of competitors I started to search for them on Google trying to find potential users already using competitor's products.

I am doing it now for RefBoost, I'm sharing openly all details about my growth journey trying to get experience with growth by launching 4 already built products back to back.

You can check: Backlog & Research here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EIbZdoQrDhVmxQmOFvZEGgeeC7uUldxM7-TZZettCGU/edit#gid=1305576837
#1 Challenge: refboost.com

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