New Year's Resolutions for Indie Hackers

I've been thinking about my goals for the next year. I love coding and could do it all the time, but now I want to get more serious about coding to build a business.

So, my goal for 2023 is to try to make my FIRST DOLLAR with my own project. Maybe that doesn't sound super ambitious, but I know that actually making money is going to involve pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, beyond pure coding to marketing and sales. 😅 Now that's a scary thought!

What about you? What are your goals as an indie hacker for 2023?

posted to
Goal Setters
on December 27, 2022
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    2023 goals:

    1. Take at least 2 weeks off. I didn't take a vacation at all last year and I'm feeling pretty run down.
    2. Extricate myself from tasks that I can delegate to others, so that I can focus on larger strategic questions.
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    For 2023, my goal is to grow my product to $1000 MRR.

    I'm new to micro SaaS/Indie Hacking. My day job is software engineer, but I've never actively learned about marketing/pricing/product management (though I have soaked up some knowledge from other departments), so I know a lot of my time this year will go into ramping up on that aspect of business.

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    It's so important to take time to reflect on your direction, your priorities, your goals...

    Kudos @sylvan for being a young fella but already thinking intentionally about this stuff!

    Anyway, my IH goal for 2023 is to replace 30% of my freelancing income w/ income from my own projects. It'll require about a 10-fold increase in project income, but I think I can do it. 🤞🏻

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    I'm with ya, trying to get my first $1 from any of my projects! Let's do it!

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    In that year 2022, I've juste finished my first SaaS product and I wish for 2023 to :

    • Launch that SaaS product, Boxydev Cloud
    • To get new users and continue to improve tool
    • Continue my web developer freelance activity
    • And a happy health for my family, me and everyone

    I wish you all good luck for your wishes.

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    2023 Goals:

    1. Launch my first SaaS product.
    2. Earn my 1st dollar ever online
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    2023 goals:

    1. Launch my first SaaS product and try to get to $1,000 MRR
    2. Land my first full Shopify site build project for my agency
    3. Create 2 productized/systematized services for my agency
    4. Start building an audience
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    That's a great goal Sylvan! I'm sure you'll be there in no time. I just started my indie hacker journey a couple years ago when I started coding. I wish I would have started at your age!

    My goals for 2023 are:

    1. Launch on Product Hunt in a few weeks
    2. Consistent MRR
    3. New Features!

    I'm going to be launching my iOS app on Product Hunt in a few weeks. I will also be sharing my learnings & results to ppl who sign up via email. Would love your support if you're interested! http://bit.ly/3vl76Es

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    I have a similar goal! I'd love build a base of recurring revenue.

    I am exploring how I can collect datasets that people are willing to pay for.

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