The Embeddable Stripe Customer Portal for Webflow is Out!

Hi Indie Hackers,

One of the challenges of Webflow is the lack of user accounts, which makes it difficult to securely authenticate users to manage their accounts without redirecting them outside your website. Enter the embeddable, email authenticated Stripe Customer Portal by Billflow: a no-code, passwordless way to let customers subscribe, upgrade, and manage their subscriptions.

How it works


First, you'll want to connect your Billflow account to Stripe. If you're planning on allowing customers to change their plan, you'll then need to add a product for each tier that's offered in Stripe. Label each product with a sb_service and sb_tier metadata tag with "sb_service" being the same for all products and "sb_tier" representing the respective tier name for each product.

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In Billflow, create a new "Customer Portal" billing page, name it, and configure it to match all the actions you want your customers to be able to perform from their account, i.e: change their plan.

In the "Authentication Settings" section, toggle the option to "enable email authentication" and proceed to add your company name and a link to a hosted version of your company logo. The easiest way to do this is to upload your logo to Webflow and grab the hosted link for it from there. These are both things your customers will be able to see in the email they receive with their magic link. Be sure to also add the redirect link where your customer portal is embedded.

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Copy the embed code and paste it into an HTML block in the designated Webflow page. Publish, and you're set to go! Watch full tutorial here

End-user Flow

Once the customer portal is up and running, your customers will be able to navigate to the page that you've embedded the script in, where they will be presented with an email form. The user enters their email address, receives a link to access their subscription billing info, and gets redirected to the same page that they were just on in your Webflow site.

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All in all, this process takes less than 10 minutes and provides a secure and passwordless solution for you and your customers to gain a little more autonomy.

After speaking to well over 50 Webflow experts about this subject, I'm optimistic that the release of this feature is going to open new doors for many creatives. I want to hear from you though:

Is this something you or your clients would be interested in? If so, schedule a call here or sign up to try it for free. I looking forward to hearing your thoughts:)

Happy flowing ~~~

  1. 3

    nice, congrats on the launch. Not currently using Webflow for any projects but when the time comes I'll make sure to check this out more.

    1. 1

      Thank you, @Dan_Cleary:) Absolutely, feel free to reach out when the time comes!

  2. 1

    Really cool - congrats! I've been following Billflow for a while. I'm really tempted to use it, but not sure about pricing - feel like I might go down the road of coding it myself to keep from having to add another subscription and lose some % of revenue.

    BUT I do think what you're making solves a big problem for tons of people! I'm sure Billflow is going to be huge.

    1. 1

      Thank you, @louisbarclay! Have you seen our updated pricing?

  3. 1

    This looks like a cool concept! Curious though, why would I use this over Memberstack?

    1. 1

      Hi @brettwill1025, great question! We are great for digital service providers (think: agencies and consultancies that charge a retainer or subscription) whereas Memberstack is a content gating platform good for those hiding content behind a paywall. What's your use case?

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