BIP #3 - 3 things I wish I knew as a freelance beginner

I'm still a freelance beginner but I've discovered that the following things should be known before you become a freelancer👇🏽

  • You can probably do everything but to really build a sustainable freelance biz, you need to niche down.

10 years ago, being a generalist might have been the way to go.


Being a specialist will get you far FAST.

  • Shiny Object Syndrome is a thing. I should know this 'cause I've hopped (like a kangaroo) into almost 10 niches in the past 4 years.


I'm back where I started. Writing.

Like Charlie Morgan said, 'The worst niche is the one you just hopped into.'

  • You don't have to be perfect before you start.

I claim to be a perfectionist like some of you do.
However, to err is human and I've had to accept that.

Now, I just act and act fast.

If you're a freelance beginner like me, accepting these early will set you up for success.

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