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Daily: Quick help and feedback

As indie hackers it can be hard to get feedback on our projects.

Posts are great, but so many are left with 0 comments :(

So for times when you need quick feedback on your landing page, UI, logo etc. This daily post will be perfect for that.

Good comments should be short and easy to answer.

What can be improved layout wise for my landing page?
My customer persona are developers, how can i improve my header/subheader for xyz.com?
I plan on posting xyz.com to Product hunt, what do you think of this video/image/comment/description?
Bad comments are general and difficult to answer.

How can I improve my landing page?
How can i get customers to my product?
Make sure to comment at least once before commenting yourself.

I will post this daily at 8am GMT. Which makes it perfect to share your Product Hunt launch.

  1. 1

    Thank you for your feedback @stevenkkim and @ritualofbattle yesterday on https://versoly.com/96ab22c6/webflow-alternative

    I would still love more feedback on the table from everyone.

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